The story of Littlecat Labs
My name is Gabe, and Littlecat Labs has been my project since it was no more than an idea, distracting me from my undergraduate thesis in the spring of 2012.
In 2013, I began work on the first version of the Littlecat speaker, inspired by (and named after) a small grey cat I happened to be looking after at the time.
Over the following years, the Lab has undergone many reboots and resurrections, some highlights of which are captured in the photo gallery. These include its humble beginnings in my high school bedroom, the Lab’s rebirth as the centerpiece of an apartment in Crown Heights, and its subsequent relocation to the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
Perhaps the most important project in the Lab’s history is the development of the Sphere speaker. Featuring a premium Scan-Speak full range driver, and a patent-pending, 3D-printed bass reflex port in the shape of a triple helix, the Sphere by Littlecat Labs is a true high fidelity speaker in an extremely compact form factor. With no crossover to introduce distortion, Sphere’s midrange is natural and lifelike, with a wide-open soundstage and superior stereo imaging. Treble is crisp and accurate with a smooth roll-off. And, thanks to the innovative spiral reflex port, the stereo system’s deep, powerful bass output is faster and far more detailed than the low frequency response of even the best 2.1 systems (in which bass frequencies are outsourced to a hidden subwoofer).
Development of the Sphere and Littlecat speakers is currently on hiatus, as the founder focuses on his day job and searches for the next space that Littlecat Labs will call home. To get a note in your inbox when the project ramps up again, sign up for the mailing list. Or, use the contact page to submit questions and feedback about the past, present or future of Littlecat Labs.